If you wanted a definition of “mixed bag” just take a look at the Anthem reviews that have been knocking around. The diversity in this game’s opinions has been staggering, but I’ve quite enjoyed it. There’s a decent amount to do here, and as you work through the...
There have been a lot of dodgy Spider-Man games. This isn’t one of them. Insomniac have made some cracking games in the past, and Spider-Man definitely has its influences dug deep into the inFamous games, with its free flowing city traversal, massive gameplay area and tight fighting dynamics....
The follow-up to the hugely popular (and rightly so) Kings of the Wyld arrives on shelves this month, and for some, including myself, it’s felt like a long time coming. But trust me, it’s more than worth the wait. Bloody Rose takes place 6 years after the end...
I like books set in space. Adrift is, as you can instantly tell from the cover, a space survival book which has you placed onto the Red Panda – a small space tour ship which is the sole survivor of a mystery attack on the main space resort...
Take the town building aspects of Sim City, set it in a world where people have headed into the snowy, frozen northern corner of the world and will die within the hour if you don’t start sorting things out immediately, and you’ve got Frostpunk. Frontpunk is very much...
“Eight astronauts, one killer, no way home”. The cover of One Way doesn’t shy away from letting you know what’s going to happen later in the book, and yet that doesn’t ruin what is a very enjoyable Mars-based part sci-fi, part murder mystery story whereby seven criminals locked...
Filed under “things I never thought would happen”, The Royal Wedding Colouring Book by Adam Rushton hooks into the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, mixes in the great pass-time of adult colouring in, and gives you a series of scenes from various films but starring...
A couple of years ago we reviewed The Hatching, a title about spiders attacking humans and eating them. A lot. 12 months on Skitter joined the series, outlining how the spiders had started to die off, but leaving various egg sacks dotted around of various sizes and levels...