Golf With Your Friends Review (PS4)

Golf With Your Friends does exactly as it says on the tin: lets you play golf against your friends. Crazy golf, more accurately, and across a range of pretty far out courses from your usual course in a forest, through to space themed anti-gravity courses and crazy boost-filled efforts. There’s a great range of courses ranging in both quality and difficulty, and while there are some insane difficulty spikes at times, there’s some great variety.

More variety comes in the shape of the balls, quite literally. In the game’s party mode you can enable random ball shapes, so someone might start a hole with a square ball, while another player ends up with a cone or an egg. You can also unlock hats for the balls to wear as well, and as these are unlocked simply by playing entire courses you don’t need much top end skill to win them, which is good.

Multiplayer can either be local through passing a controller around, or online, ,and worked pretty nicely with customisable timers to keep things moving.

If you enjoy crazy golf when you’re on holiday, or fancy a game you can play with 11 other people at once in the same room (good luck organising that one) this could be a winner. But be prepared for some slightly ropey courses alongside the good ones, and look out for those frankly insane difficult spikes at times. These two things put a dent in what is otherwise a really fun game.
