Penny Dreadful Comic Book #1 Review
|So. Penny Dreadful is a TV series which I’ve never seen. It’s based on a story which I’ve no idea about, and contains characters I’ve never heard of. Not a promising start when reading a comic book based on the series.
But despite having no idea what was going on through most of this first edition, I felt strangely drawn in. I suspect that fans of the series would get far more out of this than me, even at this early stage, but the introduction of a few characters, a tremendously dark setting and a cliff-hanger at the end which I assume is far bigger than my lack of knowledge gave it credit for certainly makes me want to keep an eye on this.
I suspect the best thing i can do at this point is wait, see what the next couple of editions bring and give an updated review in a few weeks’ time. For now, if you’ve watched the show then take a look and see what you think (and do please let us know in the comments). If, like me, you’re totally clueless about Penny Dreadful then maybe wait until there’s a couple more editions and read them all at once, it might help to get your head round what’s going on.